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Astrology is the study of the movements and positions of the Sun, Moon, the planets and stars, and how they affect a person’s life in relation to when they were born (their natal birth chart). A natal chart is essentially a chart that illustrates a persons blueprint. Your natal chart is what makes you unique to everyone else because only you were born in a specific place at a specific time.

This is a fascinating subject and can really give insight into a persons life and the challenges they are being faced with, but also how long they may last and how one may deal with the situations that are arising. Of course, the good things that are happening also show up in the chart.

Astrology is an ancient technique, and is still being used today by many many astrologers. It is my belief that it is a spiritual science.

I do combine Astrology readings with Kinesiology sessions, as it helps me to understand what is going on for the client on a deeper level, usually there is always an explanation when I look at the natal chart. In saying this, an Astrology reading alone can be hugely beneficial in itself. It gives understanding on so many levels.

Do we need the exact time of Birth?

The more accurate the recording of the birth chart, the more information we are able to….. however it is possible to see into a persons chart without such details. In knowing certain times, it helps one to be better equipped in dealing with the situation when it arises.